Our Church
Welcome to our Parish Church where people have come for well over 600 years to worship God and to celebrate the important events in their lives. Our Church’s Saint is James, one of the disciples Jesus sent out to tell people the Good News that they are loved by God. As part of the Christian family we try to follow his example in our lives and many things in this building show the different ways we try to do just that.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium, nisi ut volutpat mollis, leo risus interdum arcu, eget facilisis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium, nisi ut volutpat mollis, leo risus interdum arcu, eget facilisis.
The south tower wall used to be outside and now it is inside. On it you will see three stone memorials to the Franklin Family. Sir John, the discoverer of the North West Sea Passage around Canada is possibly the most famous. Please remember so many from the past who developed life as “we know it”, some of whose names we can see in and around the church. Many are not recorded but they are still great.

Loving God. Loving People.
The Font
Water is wonderful. Water is good news; without it our beautiful blue planet would not be here. The Font is a special bowl to hold water that is poured over people who are starting the Christian Life. We bless God for this gift as He washes, heals & renews us. The priest says: “Fred” I baptise you in the name of The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Lady Chapel
Over the years this church has had many Altars (tables at which we take, bless, break and share bread & wine, sure that Jesus is in the eating and drinking). In this first Chapel a light always burns to show that some of that blessed food is kept here. Jesus is here in a special way that reminds us that God is with us in the everyday things.
The fine tombs and brass help us to remember members of this old Lincolnshire family. It is good to remember not just the famous people of the past but that we owe so much to those who have gone before us. The Good News is that we all have a part to play in this life and the next one too.

The main purpose for a Church Building is for people to meet in order to Worship God and to join with others in building up community. The High Altar is the central focus of the Church. We look towards it as a place where God’s presence is honoured. People often bow or kneel before it.
In the Middle Ages a community of Priests (Canons) lived and worshipped here in the chapel of The Holy Trinity. Each day they said prayer at regular times and their particular task was to pray for the dead. The seats in the Choir face each other to remind us that we speak and sing to each other as we lift out lives to God as did the Canons’ all those years ago.
Team ministry
Team Vicar – The Rev’d Fran Jeffries
01790 752526
Team Curate – The Rev'd Judith Simons
Assistant Curate – The Rev’d Jean Coates
01790 752526